
Saturday 5 May 2012

Test trip to Crete Ocean Beach Club

Since planning a new trip out into the big wide world, not just me and my backpack this time, but with a baby in one hand and a man in the other, I decided we had to do a test trip. Ok so constant rain for 2 weeks in Oslo helped the decision massivly, and we got a really good deal with last minute charter company.
I soon found out that our littlebabyexplorer loves to travel. She is most happy when there are alot of action around. Curious to see, touch, feel, smell and love the world, just like the world will love her.

One week in Crete and here is the verdict:


Two thumbs up for the hotel - newly refurnished hotel Ocean Beach Club very child friendly but at the same time no cheasy stuff, and no noisy childrens club (you find all that on the hotel next door. Water slides, games etc etc.)  

The gear:

Phil and Teds travel bed - great for playing- not so good for sleeping, I found the mattress to thin, so for the long trip we need to find a different one. However it was perfect for watching IPad :)

Mclaren Techno XT stroller - borrowed this from my brother to see if we liked it, and I am sure its great for older kids, but because littlebabyexplorer was facing away from me I did not like it. I was constantly checking if she was ok, if she had sun in her eyes, bugs etc. So when we get to Miami in July we are going to look for another one.....At the time of the test trip littlebabyexplorer was only 4,5 months.

The baby bjørn a fantastic piece of accessory to travel with...Here sported by Kristian infront of the hotel

Making new friends... Janka Polliani and son ... Check out her awesome fashion blog...

Mclaren stroller, like I said I missed the oppertunity to face littlebaby towards me... 

The family....

Again with the Baby Bjørn.. the baby loves falling asleep in it... 

Watching TV.... chilling :)

Typical greek .... 

Beach time....

1 comment:

  1. ahhhh camilla you guys look so happy and beautiful!

    I am kind of a little jealous :P
