
Sunday 5 August 2012

My baby hates driving....

She is one of the happiest babies I have ever met (no totally neutral conclusion ;) but when she is put in a car seat she is miserable. We tried changing car seat thinking it was that, but no still the same thing. We love to travel but I have to say it has proven to be a challenge to get around places with this little princess. What we are doing now is limiting travels to her nap times, it makes life a lot easier. However if anyone has any tips we could try out I would be very great full. 


  1. maybe she gets car sick??
    try giving her baby ginger tablets disolved in her milk 20 minutes before you drive :D:D:D

    Thats what happened to me at work all the time with the kids and these ginger tablets work wonders if carsickness is the problem

  2. Thanks Jazz we will definatlu try :)
