The apartment is situated
on Praia de Buzios, Buzios Beach Club in between Pipa and Natal. Its just the right amount of restaurants and bars in the area, so the feeling of being alone is well kept. If we long for action, shopping or crowded beaches, its all within a 30 min drive. Making day trips is perfect with the little one, so she can fall asleep in her own bed, she likes that.
Beach, sun, surf, another aqua de coco (coconut water), siesta, fiesta, lunch and relax, this is how our days are spent. Loving the serenity of our lives at the moment, being 100% in the present, and getting to experience our daugther step by step progress and changes. We really have time to only focus on her and I think we are benefiting just as much from this as she is. Every day I remind myself how grateful I am that we took the leap and went on this trip... not one single time have I regretted it. For us it was definitely worth everything...
Hei Camilla, Kristian and Rose Adea! Høres ut som dere har en fantastisk tur! Høsten er godt på vei her hjemme og jeg merker jo at palmer, sol og aqua de coco høres fryktelig fristende ut..! Rose ser ut tul å blitt SÅ stor - det kommer til å bli så rart å møte henne igjen! Gleder meg allerede;-) Og leste jeg rett- har hun havnet i egen seng? Kos dere videre, gleder meg til neste oppdatering! Klem fra Marianne
ReplyDeleteTusen takk for det! Ja vi koser oss masse og har en flott tur! HUn hadde begynt å sove i egen seng... men nå er vi et skritt tilbake igjen ;)