
Monday 2 November 2009

Finding myself in Bali...NOT after reading Eat, Pray Love.

Summer in Portugal ended and it was time to move on... where better to head than surfing mecca in Indonesia, Bali? So packed up my backpack bought a flight ticket and 20 hours later I felt the magic of Bali. I spent lazy days living in Seminyak riding my scooter down to the peninsula to surf or chilling with new like minded friends on the beach....

In Bali I tried the well known form of " couch surfing" , its a well established community where people list there couches and you can stay there for free. (check out: for more information)  I surfed the spare room in an apartment close to Seminyak. Phillipp the owner was a 22 year old guy who apperently was a desendandt of the old royal throne in Germany. He had been in Bali a year and introduced me to all the ex-pats and invited me to see all the action. There was always an opening party or a closing party with free food and drinks to attend and the most famous I suppose was the opening party of Metis resturant, where Paris Hilton hung out when she was on the Island last year.

 My time in Bali was so much more than surfing though. It was me finally breaking free and redefining who I really was. I would like to clearly state that it was NOT the cheezy book Eat, Pray love that loured me here in the first place, it was all the tales I had heard about surfing. But Bali changes you.. well it changed me, the magic of the balinees people and their spirituality got under my skin and made me finally at the age of 29 see the bigger picture. Its not about owning materialistic things, its about staying present and keeping to the bright side of life and have fun!

               Twice a day every balinees person makes offerings, in the morning they place a                
               basket like this up high for the gods in the sky, and in the afternoon (like the picture above) 
they place it on the ground to please the Gods of the underground.

                                 Used to love getting on the this old pirate boat owned by the lovely C with me and Daniel. Daniel wanted to build a sustainable eco comunity on Gili Air. 
             We used to get on the boat on the weekends and set sail for the Gilis.

                 Tampak seering on new years eve. Clense your soul on the 7 holy springs.
                                The girls had been up all night to prepare the offerings for us.

            Sometimes we used to rent the cheapest car possible, amazingly we could fit upto
                                                       4 surf boards. and 4 people!

                                                                          Rice fields

The famous monkey forest in Ubud


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