
Thursday 21 January 2010

Had a blast driving around Australia...

Wanted to see the land down under, so when my Indonesian visa had expired I flew via Singapore to Oz. Met up with an acquaintance from my time at the surf camp in Portugal, rented a camper van, strapped our surfboards to the roof and set off. 
Short story long: 

We decided it was a good idea to pick up a hitchhiker, guess this was worse for him than for us. We were in the middle of nowhere driving along the sunshine coast and suddenly Jasmine said: I want to see this light house, take a right here, its just into the national park a little detour. Ok I said, lets go. Little detour, Not! 2 hourse later we found the camp site, and it was already dark so had to spend the night. Early morning we set off to find the light house, beautiful place, but jeezz for a long walk. There were spiders and snakes knocking about but after a long travel I was getting used to that. 
Back on the road we realized that the "little" detour" we had used most of our petrol.... so hitting the highway again (still in the middle of nowhere) we desperately needed gas. we thought our luck had ran out when the only petrol station for miles was closed down, when a white van pulled up asking if we needed help. Brian our hitchhiker (yes he was still there) said we are almost out of gas, "do you know where the nearest petrol station is?" He said he was headed home to this little town and it was the only one for miles. Told him to follow. It was friday and the local pub he took us to was full of people. Soon we were the talk of the town (about 1000 people lived there) and we ended up having a big party and sleeping in the car outside the pub.

Sky dive at my 30 Birthday over Mission Beach 

Bells beach surfing 

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